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    Original Sin

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Therefore as sin entered into the world through one man, and death through sin; so death passed to all men, because all sinned. - Rom 5:12

For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous. - Rom 5:19

For since death came by man, the resurrection of the dead also came by man. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. - 1Cor 15:21-22

  1. Original Sin Defined
  2. This doesn't seem fair that we are guilty of Adam's sin when we weren't even born yet?
  3. What about babies and children who die? Where do they go?
  4. Jesus Christ was free of original sin
  5. The world divided into two
  6. The law of sin and death
  7. Why does God allow evil and suffering to exist?
  8. We have been told that evolution is true, so was there death and suffering before Adam sinned?

Original Sin Defined

Original sin can be described as the guilt and death that passed on to all Adam's posterity from the sin he committed while in the garden of Eden (Rom 5:12, Gen 3:1-24). In other words the guilt of Adam's sin is shared by all Adam's descendants, even before any of them were born.

On the flip side of the coin, the righteousness of Christ can become my righteousness, even though from birth I have been wicked (Rom 3:21-28). In other words, through faith, I share in the righteousness of Christ Jesus, as if I have never sinned once in my life. The righteousness of Christ has become my righteousness and God holds no accusation against me (Rom 8:1-4). I didn't do anything to merit it. It was all given to me as a free gift through faith in Jesus Christ (Eph 2:8-9). The work to attain the gift was all done on my behalf by Jesus, the Lamb of God (John 1:29).

So then, we are all in Adam through natural birth, but through faith in Christ Jesus I am born-again by the Spirit and placed in Christ. These are the two heads of the human race, the first Adam who was created directly by God from the dust of the earth, and the last Adam who was the incarnation of God the Son (Heb 10:5, 1Cor 15:45). When I am in Christ I am a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come (2Cor 5:17). The guilt and condemnation of Adam's original sin has been removed. The guilt and condemnation of the sins I have committed in my life have been removed. The old man, or sinful nature, has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me (Gal 2:20). I am no longer an object of wrath (Eph 2:3-5). My very nature has been changed through the working of the Holy Spirit. I now share in the divine nature of Jesus Christ, and not in the sinful nature inherited from Adam (2Pet 1:4). Even though the old man or sinful nature remains in my body, a circumcision has taken place in my being that enables me to put to death the old nature, and walk by the Spirit (Col 2:11-12). Once I am in Christ the sinful nature is no longer the controlling principal in my life (Gal 5:16-25).

The flesh or sinful nature belongs to everyone through natural birth and it asserts itself as the controlling power (Rom 8:6-8). If my sin has not been atoned for, and I have not believed in Jesus and been born again by the Spirit I will finally face the wrath of God because of it. This new-birth only comes to those who call on the name of the LORD and have faith in Jesus. Those who remain stiff-necked and rebellious against God's way of salvation in the LORD Jesus Christ continue in a state of condemnation and wrath. The wrath of God remains on those who have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son (John 3:36). The only reason that you are not feeling that wrath right now is because of God's love and mercy. He is patient with you, not wanting you to perish. To perish is not to be annihilated or cease to exist, but to bear the full brunt of God's wrath in hell.

God calls men to himself through the gospel, some believe and are saved, others remain hard-hearted and stubborn and refuse to believe. If this refusal goes on until their death they will be under God's wrath for all eternity. They will never be able to escape the punishment because nothing exists that can rescue them. While there was a way open to eternal life they foolishly rejected it. They refused to believe in God's one and only Son. In hell the smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever. The unspeakable agony of torment will never cease or abate. If you pass through this life and into death under the wrath of God you will remain in that state forever. This state is also referred to as the second death. You really do not want to end up in hell. It is a place and state of indescribable terror and suffering. Jesus gave the best description that words can provide.

If you are born again by the Spirit and have the righteousness of Christ, even though you pass through death, you will be with the LORD in His presence forever. You will have eternal life. Because your sin has been atoned for in the death and resurrection of Christ, you too have died with Christ are also raised up with Christ. The believer is in Christ, so everything blessing that belongs to Christ also belongs to the believer. Even now, if you believe in Jesus Christ you are raised with Him and are glorified with Him. You have been seated with Christ in heavenly realms. You have been transferred from darkness to light. However, if you have not believed the wrath of God remains on you. You may not be feeling that wrath now, but you will most certainly feel it when abandoned by God in hell. It will be a horror indescribable that will never let up for a moment and will never end. God is now being kind and patient with you, calling you to repentance and faith in the LORD Jesus Christ.

This doesn't seem fair that we are guilty of Adam's sin when we weren't even born yet?

This is not fair! Why should I be guilty of Adam's sin? It happened a long time ago and I wasn't even born yet. The answer to that is that God has not explained it to us. If the Bible was a mere human book the writers would have tried to reason and explain things. The Bible, however, was written by men who were moved along by the Holy Spirit, so you are not getting human philosophy (2Pet 1:21). Sometimes God makes statements that are true without giving all the details and reasons. When people start to reason about why God has done this or that they end up in trouble. They begin to make foolish suggestions and defame the name of the LORD. The apostle Paul was confronted with this when teaching about God's election. People were asking, "Then why does God still blame us? For who resists his will?". Paul's response was, "But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? "Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, 'Why did you make me like this?'" (Rom 9:18-24).

When Jesus made statements that were hard for people to hear He just watched them walk away without striving to explain anything (John 6:65-69). You don't ever find Jesus setting up debate tables and entertaining a crowd as they like doing today. Jesus knew that people could only believe in Him if the Father drew them. He knew that the sinful heart couldn't be changed by endless debate and the use of logic and reason. There had to be a work of the Spirit.

So much sin is being committed in the guise of having debates. To go up on stage and start arguing about why God has done this and why God has done that ends in evil. People quickly start to abuse and mock God in public, which is the worst sin. What man would sit on a stage and listen to his wife or children being abused? Yet they do it all the time with God. What a perverted world we live in. So, I will not try to reason why God has done things this way. All that we know is that perfect justice is being done.

Many will object to the fact that God credits righteousness through no work of their own. They do not like the idea that no religious works are needed to be saved. They want to strive and work and establish their own righteousness, rather than submit to God's righteousness through faith in Christ Jesus (Rom 10:3). The thought that God gives the greatest imaginable gift as a gift is offensive to them (Mark 5:3-6). The idea that Christ shed His blood on the cross as a substitutionary atonement for their sin is despised and hated. It strikes at the pride of man and beats down all his boasting (1Cor 1:27-31). People want to be self-righteous and boast about what they are, and what they have done, and the cross of Jesus is an offense to them (Gal 5:11-12, Eph 2:8-9).

Others may object to original sin, but welcome the forgiveness of their sins through no work of their own. The want the one without the other. They welcome the thought of being in Christ and love to tell people they chose Christ, or made a decision for Christ, out of their own free-will. Much modern evangelism is centered around the idea that if you put some pressure on a person's will to make a decision for Christ, and he then prays a prayer of confession he is saved. You find in practice that most people who make decisions for Christ under psychological pressure end up falling away. It wasn't the work of regeneration by the Spirit and their falling away proves that. They then become hardened against the Gospel saying that they tried it and it didn't work for them. These bad practices in evangelism come from bad doctrine, and especially the faulty view of what it means to be in Adam and under the control of the sinful nature.

What about babies and children who die? Where do they go?

If God credits or imputes the righteousness of Jesus Christ to a baby or toddler, so they will be saved, we won't know because He hasn't told us. For such a question Jesus would probably turn to you and say, "Unless you repent and believe I am the one I claim to be, you will die in your sins" (John 8:24). There are things that we are not mean't to know and God hasn't told us for a reason. People have murder in their hearts so it is best to keep them in the dark about some issues. They will use anything to justify evil. Look how they want to kill unborn babies by the million all around the world. Look at the brazen and gleeful faces of politicians when they talk about killing the unborn. They call it the freedom for a woman to control their own bodies, but we all know what it is.

Jesus Christ was free of original sin


The world divided into two

The world is divided into two groups of people. The one group is in Adam and the other group is in Christ. If you are in Adam you share in the guilt and condemnation of Adam's sin. Another term for this is original sin. If you are in Christ the guilt and condemnation of Adam's sin has been atoned for, along with all the sins you have committed in your life. The righteousness of Christ and every benefit of Christ is imputed or given to you as a gift from God. The transfer from death to life happens when the believer calls on the name of the LORD and believes in Jesus. Its a new birth where God takes out the heart of stone and gives a new heart, created to be like God in righteousness and holiness (Eph 4:22-24). The Holy Spirit enters the believer and begins to produce the fruit of the Spirit through the life of the believer. When a person is possessed by evil they produce the fruit of evil, but when a person has the Holy Spirit the fruit of the Spirit naturally starts to show itself (Gal 5:19-26).

Roman Catholicism likes to teach that original sin is removed at infant baptism, but this is not taught in Scripture. Faith in Jesus comes from hearing, and from hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Rom 10:17). Faith comes from understanding the message of the Gospel and believing it, not by performing a sacrament or ritual (Luke 8:15). Look at the four gospels and the book of Acts. People were being saved through believing the Good News about Jesus. There were no works involved (Rom 4:6). The thief on the cross next to Jesus believed, called out to Jesus, and was saved (Luke 23:42-43). Paul and the other apostles preached and people came under conviction of sin and believed what they were hearing (Acts 16:14). They were born-again by the Spirit and received the Holy Spirit by faith (Gal 3:1-11). There was nothing that they did to merit or earn salvation. Salvation is the gift of God given freely to all who believe.

Roman Catholics have been deceived into believing that all is well with their souls because they are part of a global church and have passed through various sacraments. Most have never seen or understood the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, and have never been born-again (John 3:6-8). They are still in their sins under the condemnation of the law (John 8:24). It is no surprise that this false church has often risen up in great tyranny over people and nations through the centuries. When people are controlled by the sinful nature, but also led to believe they are Christians, you find a whole lot of evil and disorder being done in the name of Christ (Rom 2:23-24). You have found them burning true Christians at the stake for so-called heresy. You found them subjecting people to the most horrific torture in an attempt to drive evil out of them. This was all done in the name of Christ because they were still in their sins, puffed up in self-righteousness, and were too blind and duped by the devil to see their condition (Luke 18:11, Matt 23:27-28, John 8:44). You could say they were still in Adam under the power of sin and were not in Christ. They were fake Christians, functioning under the law of sin and death.

The law of sin and death

The flesh or sinful nature is such a problem that it is even aggravated and inflamed by the law of God. The law of God, which is pure, holy and good, actually ends up arousing sinful passions in the body. When the law comes to me and says "do not covet", it sets my mind to thinking of what it means to not covet (Rom 7:7-10). While I am thinking about it I find that covetous desires, that I never knew I had, start to rise up in me. Because the law says, "Do not covet", I begin to strive against the passions of covetousness in my mind and body. Rather than being able to win the battle against covetousness, I find, to my utter dismay, that the passions of covetousness increase in power (Rom 7:11). The law of God in my mind is serving to aggravate the sin in me, and seems to be giving great power to it. I find the law is powerless to help me. It doesn't give me any strength, in fact it does the opposite. Once I was alive apart from the law; but when the commandment came sin sprang to life and I died. I found that the very commandment that was intended to bring life actually brought death. For sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, produced in me every kind of covetous desire.

The believer in Jesus who has a sensitive conscience will find themselves falling into this terrible conflict, often to the point of becoming desperate or even having mental breakdowns. They will tend to condemn themselves more than others, and by doing this rouse up the sinful nature, rather than putting the old nature to death. It also doesn't help things when their Bible teacher or pastor tries to convince them the battle in Rom 7:1-25 is the normal Christian life. Some will go so far as to say that Romans chapter 7 is a picture of Paul at his very best as a Spirit-filled apostle. The reality is that Paul is describing the function of the law and how it works to bring a person to see that he cannot be saved by the law. The man gets to the end of himself and cries out, "who will deliver me from this body of death"? (Rom 7:24) He then finds an answer to his predicament in "thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ the LORD" (Rom 7:25). After this path to victory is discovered he then goes on to write, "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death" (Rom 8:1-4).

There you have the victory dance of the liberated slave. He has found relief from his prison. He steps out into open places rejoicing and dancing in the fields. He has escaped out of the trap. He now rests in Christ (John 15:4-5). His conscience is quietened by the Holy Spirit (Rom 14:17). There is no more striving with the law to be holy. He walks by the Spirit and begins to produce the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23). Satan will come and throw fiery darts of condemnation to try rouse up the old man, but the believer learns not to fall into self-condemnation and to trust in God's forgiveness and grace (Eph 6:16). He keeps reminding himself of God's precious promises and renews his mind. His conscience strengthens in the Spirit and he enjoys more and more peace. At times he is filled with joy unspeakable and full of glory. He is more than a conqueror through faith in Christ Jesus. He is seated in heavenly places with Christ. He rules and reigns with Christ.

This principal of the law of sin and death is unknown to educators in schools. They think that if you teach children about sex they will be better off, able to make better choices and not contract diseases or get pregnant. What they don't realise is that the very subject arouses curiosity in the child that begins to inflame the sinful nature. The more they get told not to do this or nor to do that the more they want to do it. Everyone then wonders why the kids are sexually active at such a young age. If they had only known something about the nature of sin they would have avoided this kind of education, and let sleeping dogs lie. The educators have moved up a notch, and are now onto the next step of provoking and stirring up unnatural homosexual desires in children. One thing leads onto the next as sin increases in power. If they had known something of original sin, and how it operates, they would have been more wise and more careful. The power of sin has become so strong in western culture that it is busy changing the meaning of day to day words. These unnatural passions in the body are working with great power to make everything unnatural and perverted in the society around them.

The same would go for racial education. The more you train and force people with laws not to be racist, the more racist you make them. The sin of racial hatred is being provoked through so-called education that is only heightening racial tensions. People are given a whole lot of rules about how not to be racist. Those rules are making people hyper-sensitive and stirring up racial hatred that already exists in the sinful nature. Some have it worse than others, but it is all there. Race has come into the forefront everywhere where I read a motto or manifesto of a hospital chain the other day, that said the following, "I always embrace diversity to show I am not racist". In other words they have to force themselves to not be racist. They have to put on an outward show. The education and media propaganda machine is not doing a very good job at changing people's hearts and inner desires. It is doing the opposite by inflaming sin in the members of the body, making people hyper-sensitive, that they start to see racism in the colour choice of a colleagues coffee mug. The world is heading fast towards another inquisition where suspected "witches" or in this case "racists" will be burnt at the stake.

To try and fix this problem of racism I can propose the following six points:

  1. Show people the Book that contains the history of the universe.
  2. Show people from the Book when and how the universe all began, and that the big-bang is a lie. The Bible tells you it is a lie in the first chapter.
  3. Show people from recorded history that there is only one human race, and that evolution from monkey-to-man is false. The crossover from animal to human doesn't exist and no one can show any evidence it exists. Everything was created according to their own kinds and are constrained to reproduce within the kind.
  4. Show people from history how all the tribes and languages came about at the tower of Babel.
  5. Show people that divisions on skin colour never comes into it as far as the Bible is concerned. Divisions on skin colour is an evolutionary idea.
  6. Show people from the Bible how they can have a real change of heart, rather than being subject to a tyrannical set of rules in an attempt to control outward behaviour.
  7. Show people how to find the Sabbath rest through faith in Christ Jesus.

Why does God allow evil and suffering to exist?

The question of "why does God allow suffering?" is probably the most commonly question asked. The evolutionists have no answer because their system of belief is based on suffering. Death and struggle is their motto. Even those who believe that God guided evolution are in the same boat. They want God to be the creator who used evolution to create the world. The atheist denies the existence of God but the theistic evolutionist blasphemes the name and character of God by attributing to God the process of death and suffering. However, if you believe the testimony of God in the early chapters of the book of Genesis you will see that there was absolute perfection at the beginning. There were no earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, lightning strikes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, droughts, blizzards, or impacts by meteorites, asteroids, and comets. There were no extinctions or animals devouring one another. The text of Scripture is plain that God gave "every green plant for food" to the animals, not the flesh of other animals (Gen 1:30).

Suffering was not part of God's original creation (Rom 8:20-22). The suffering only came in after Adam sinned (Gen 3:17-19). When Adam fell the whole of creation fell with him (Rom 5:18). This would also naturally affect the whole cosmos because the whole of the universe was created for the purpose of this earth. God tells us that the sun, moon and stars created on day 4 were for life on earth, to govern the day and night and separate light from darkness (Gen 1:16-18).

Those who have tried to introduce evolution into God's six-day creation are lying to us. God has never spoken like that. They are making it up from naturalistic philosophy masquerading as science, and imposing it on the Biblical text. People throw the term "science" around as if it is some golden statue that everyone must fall down and worship (Dan 3:5-6). When people start saying they "believe God chose to use the process of evolution to bring forth what we see today" they are making it up from their own minds, because God has not spoken like this. They are like the false prophets in the days of Jeremiah who were forever dreaming up delusions that lead people astray (Jer 23:25-29). They want people to forget about God, and His word, and embrace human reason.

If you fail to get the historical timeline correct you will naturally be in error. If you hold to the Biblical timeline you cannot put death and suffering before the fall of Adam. If you hold to the evolution timeline then death and suffering has always existed. For the evolutionist there is no original sin that brought in the curse on creation. The curse has always existed for the evolutionist. His whole system is based on death and struggle and he defames God with his philosophies, making God out to be something He is not.

If God did not allow evil and suffering to exist in the world He would have to wipe away all people from the face of the earth. Evil exists because evil people exist. We are born that way (Gen 8:21). In recorded history God has often acted against evil by putting people to death.

The whole world was washed away with the waters of a global flood (1Pet 3:20). Only eight people were saved in the ark along with the different kinds of animals (Gen 9:8-17). God put an end to evil on the earth and started afresh with Noah and his three sons. This is the main example in history where God has not allowed evil to exist on the earth. This event was so catastrophic that it changed the face of the earth completely. Peter divides the world into the old pre-flood world and the present world (2Pet 3:5-7).

When Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities of the plain gave themselves over to homosexuality God wiped out the evil by destroying all the evil people (Gen 19:24-25, Jude 1:7). Another example of when God has not allowed evil to exist. The more that homosexuality and sexual immorality increases in the earth the more the suffering. Relationships like marriage are torn apart and families are destroyed. Disease and plagues run rampant. People start behaving like brute beasts, so God sometimes, in various ways, puts perpetrators to death to rid the earth of evil and suffering.

God wiped out the evil Pharaoh and his army in the red sea because of their hard-hearted rebellion (Exod 14:28). When the Israelite's did evil they were also killed (Num 21:6). Their bodies fell in the desert or they were bitten by snakes or plagues were sent among them (1Cor 10:5-11). Whose fault was it that the Israelite's roamed around in the desert for 40 years until every member of that generation died? (Num 14:11-12) It was the fault of the people who refused to believe God's word and go up to take possession of the land. It was not God's fault that they grumbled and murmured against Him.

Under the law of Moses the people were told to administer the death penalty for certain crimes (Lev 24:17). They were instructed time and time again to "purge the evil from among them" (Deut 17:6-7). The death-penalty is another way that God removes evil people, who bring much suffering to others, from the face of the earth. When proper justice is served people don't suffer as much. When false prophets who spoke lies in the name of the LORD were put to death the people were saved from God's judgment. When a murderer is put to death the suffering of the injured family members is greatly reduced. Justice is done and there is closure for the injured parties. Purging evil people reduces suffering on the earth. It makes others think twice about committing crimes if they have a high probability of being stoned to death (Deut 13:10-11). The less the crime, the less will be the suffering of people.

If God gives instructions and wisdom on how to reduce evil in this world and people spurn it, then who is responsible for causing others to suffer? Is it not the people who spurn God's wisdom? You cannot blame it on God when people are foolish and think they know better.

God used the sword of Joshua to purge the evil of the Canaanite nations (Deut 9:4-5). The Israelites, when they entered the promised land were to purge the land of evil, so the Canaanite nations were to be put to death. This is another example of God purging evil from the earth.

When the Jews rejected their Messiah as a nation, and shouted "crucify him!, crucify him!", they brought down on their own heads the most terrible suffering (Luke 23:21). They called down curses on themselves by saying, "let His blood be on us and on our children" (Matt 27:25). Within that generation Jerusalem was destroyed and the nation of Israel was scattered.

In more recent times, what happened to Nazi germany when they became desperately wicked on the face of the earth and caused great suffering? A firestorm of bombs was sent upon the German cities to kill the people. What happened to Japan and all the evil they were doing? A firestorm of nuclear bombs was sent to burn up their cities. Evil is purged from the face of the earth, and for evil to be purged the people committing the evil are purged. Don't blame it on God for the suffering. If nations follow the teachings of philosophers like Friedrich Nietzsche and commit evil as a result then it is the fault of the people, not God. If people turn their backs on God and promote self-realisation ideas that lead to wars, then why should we expect God to protect the world? No, no! You have chosen another way and when you persist in it God gives you over to it. If you make your bed of suffering in asserting your free-will apart from God, then you must lie down in it.

God sometimes allows people to have free-will for a time, but we keep learning that free-will ends up in desperate wickedness. You could say that Hitler was given over to his own free-will, and we all know how that turned out. When restraints are removed and people are given free-will, that will is not free, but under the control of the sinful nature. (See Rom 1:18-32 for an example of mankind being handed over to free-will). Free-will normally ends in a blood-bath with every kind of evil. It is better to say that people by nature have a "bound-will". Their will is bound under slavery to their own sinful nature (John 8:34). Ruin and misery mark their ways (Rom 3:10-18).

People these days gloat about how God has given mankind this wonderful gift called "free-will", or the ability to choose equally between good and evil. This is false however, because the Bible teaches that man by nature is dead in sins and trespasses (Eph 2:1-5). We know from practical experience that people are under the slavery of sin. They want their lusts, they want their pride, they are self-centered and self-seeking. They are full of jealousy, cursing and deviant sexual immorality. They are gossips, slanderers and disobedient to their parents. They are faithless and heartless, brute beasts with violent passions. There is no fear of God before their eyes. They are bound up in sins and trespasses. This behaviour is an outworking of the original sin we have committed in Adam. We all rebelled against God when Adam rebelled against God, and our own experience verifies that. From birth we grow up into vile creatures, speaking against God, polluting the earth with the fire and filth of an evil tongue, using our bodies for every kind of filthy desire (Ps 58:2). This is all the evidence and outworking of original sin.

God will finally purge the world of sin by purging the evil people from the earth and assigning them to the lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels (Matt 25:41). After the purge there will be a new heaven and a new earth (2Pet 3:13). God came to you in Jesus Christ to save you, but you would not have it (Matt 23:37). You loved evil with a continual lust for more (Eph 4:19). You must now pay the ultimate penalty of being cast into hell and banished from the LORD's presence forever and ever. In the day of God's mercy and favour you rejected His very own Son, so the day will come when He will reject you. You trampled the blood of Jesus under your feet and now you will be trampled in hell, where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched (Heb 10:29). Someone will say that this is unreasonable, but who is being unreasonable? Is it not you who is unreasonable, knowing very well that you are being evil, but continuing on in it (Rom 1:32). If you reject the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the atonement for your sin then your sin remains before God (Heb 2:17). Repent and believe the Good News. Call on the name of Jesus and you will be saved (Acts 16:31). The blood of Jesus will cleanse and atone for your sin - Jesus gave His life as a ransom for many (Heb 10:22, Mark 10:45). Through faith you will be included in Christ with every benefit that comes along with Him (Eph 1:13).

We have been told that evolution is true, so was there death and suffering before Adam sinned?

A tremendous power rose up in the 19 th century in the name of "science". It gave people a new way of interpreting the world and universe apart from God, by suggesting that natural processes over vast amounts of time formed the world as we know it. This dogmatism quickly began to infiltrate the church and people were in trouble regarding their faith and the Bible. Death was not seen as the enemy that came in because of Adam's sin anymore, but death became the main mechanism of these new pseudo-scientific theories. This battle for a naturalistic explanation of the world raged on for many decades, and belief in God's word and the miraculous six-day creation began to take a knock and wane. The world began to severely downgrade because of it.

In the wake of this downgrade many evolutionists have risen up in the church, teaching things they should not be teaching, and claiming things that are contrary to what is written in Scripture. Creating contradictions in the Bible seems to be of no concern for them, if they can only retain their academic credibility with the world. When they push against the early chapters of Genesis they don't seem to be aware, or care, that they are pushing against many other Scriptures that rest on those solid foundation. You will know when they don't believe the Bible on a particular subject because there is no "it is written" in their vocabulary. There is no "yes" or "no" for them. There will always be a long and complicated story to try invalidate proper interpretations of the Bible. They have to mix up figurative language in the Bible with historical narratives to get you off believing that God created the universe in six literal days. They become all vague and philosophical, and we know that Jesus said this vague and non-committal attitude comes from the evil one.

If anyone comes to you and tries to convince you that that Bible teaches the earth is at the centre of the universe, or that the earth is flat, or that the Bible teaches that the earth is stationary and does not move around the sun they are lying to you. The Bible never teaches those things. They are merely setting you up, or prepping you, so they can launch an attack on the literal six-day creation in Genesis. We do say that "the sun rises" or "the sun sets". This does not mean the sun rotates around the earth, but that is our view of the sun from earth, so we all speak like that. To say something like the "earth is set on pillars", is not implying that the earth is stationary in the solar system and doesn't move around the sun. It merely means that the earth for us remains fixed and constant - "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." - Gen 8:22. God even uses this figure of speech in Ps 75:3, and who would ever claim that God doesn't know what scientists know. For God to say, "I who set the heavens in place, who laid the foundations of the earth" (Isa 51:16) doesn't mean that God believes the earth is literally on foundations. It is figurative language.

Teachers in the church use these Scriptures to try convince us that the Bible teaches things that science has proved to be false. They know very well that we all use figures of speech in normal day-to-day language, but they want to dismiss the history of the early chapters of Genesis to bring in their billions of years of evolution. These teachers have to change the meaning of "day" in Genesis 1 if they have any hope of bringing in their evolutionary timelines. So they get very busy twisting and pulling and doing every trick imaginable to dismiss the logical historical reading of the passage. They will call it poetry or allegory or "theological pieces written to inform us of the nature of God and not to give us scientific or technical information of how God created the universe". To be quite frank, they are lying to the world. Genesis chapter 1 is very technical, much like a flow-chart or assembly-diagram. It gives us the factual process in six consecutive days of God assembling the universe. Each day gives us technical details of what He created. This is no poetry involved in the text, no allegory, no hyperbole, just plain factual statements regarding scientifically observable elements like earth, water, light, sky, land, sea, plants, moon, sun, stars, sea creatures, birds, land animals and man. We are even told that the sun, moon and stars were created specifically for us on earth, to govern the day and night and to separate light from darkness. We are the focal point of God's universe. That is just a stated fact. The evolutionists hate that idea but those are the facts.

The evolutionists in the church have taken a compromised position. On the one hand they don't want to deny evolution, but on the other hand they want to hold to the authority of Scripture. Rather than pulling the theories of evolution apart they decided instead to pull God's word apart. You could say the atheist is an enemy on the outside. He doesn't believe what is written in Genesis and doesn't pretend to. He knows what it is saying and he dismisses it outright. You know exactly where you stand with him. The problem comes from those inside the church who call themselves brothers and friends, who don't believe what is written in Scripture, but keep lying to you that they do. Rather than being honest they get to work to pull the Scriptures to pieces so they can have their love affair with the philosophies of the world. They try every conceivable trick to make the Scriptures say something other than what they are saying.

One popular preacher goes so far as to suggest that God didn't create the vegetation and animals directly, and he then tries to prove it from the Biblical text. His argument was that God instructed the earth to bring forth vegetation and the animals. In other words he suggested that God instructed the earth to get on with it and left it with the earth to do the creating. He came up with this stroke of genius so he could allow for the evolution of plants and animals, I guess from a single ancestor. Now that is impossible, because in the text it says there was evening and morning the third day etc. The creation of plants and vegetation all took place in a literal 24 hour day, but that is conveniently ignored so a new evolutionary interpretation can be introduced into the text. The are willfully ignorant of the facts presented before them. It also didn't seem to bother him, nor did he make any mention of it, that there wasn't a sun, moon and stars yet to sustain the vegetation over the many millions of years needed for their evolutionary theories to work (in their own minds). However, the truth is that the sun, moon and stars came into being the next day, so there was no problem for the plants and vegetation to survive. The sun, moon and stars created on day 4 of the week is the last nail in the coffin for evolutionary theories. This is why Genesis chapter 1 is probably the most hated and vilified chapter in the whole Bible. It cuts deeply into man's intellectual pride.

People are dealing very dishonestly with the Bible in this area and it is grievous to say the least. The heart is deceitful and beyond cure, and many are deceived because they want to believe man's view on the world rather than God's word. Being deceived themselves they go about deceiving others. So, rather than forever twisting the Scriptures, please start being honest and rather admit you don't believe what the Bible teaches about the creation. That would help us all tremendously. Lies and tampering with the text of Scripture are a burden to the world. It only creates questionings and sows seeds of doubt for people, and destroys faith (Heb 11:3).

The survival and death struggle is essential for the theories of evolution to exist. If the world was under a evolutionary curse of sin and death before Adam sinned you destroy Biblical teaching of the work of Christ. The real battle lies with the timeline of when the curse of God came on creation that resulted in death and suffering. If the creation was cursed from the beginning in a "red in tooth and claw" existence over millions of years, then you are going to see God as the author of death and suffering. It is unthinkable to think that God's perfect way is to use the suffering of animals and humans. You have even bigger problems because God keeps declaring the days of creation as "good" and "very good". You also have to ask why Christ had to suffer and die if it was God's very good will to use natural processes of disease, suffering and death to create?

Do you really want to hold onto unproven theories at the expense of God's perfect character and holiness?

But God has graciously given the chronological assembly-diagram of the universe in the book of Genesis - there goes the big-bang theory because the earth was created on day 1 in darkness before the sun, moon and stars were created on day 4. It is spelt out in plain language so a three year old can understand it. It is so simple and profound, but it gives the order of creation over seven consecutive days, the seventh day being the day of rest.

This chronology of creation was later written into the law of Moses. The world is reminded of the six days of creation and Sabbath day's rest every time the ten commandments are read. The atheist may scoff and mutter at this, as do many teachers in the church who have made science, or rather pseudo-science, their authority, but the word of God is like a hammer that smashes all their faulty rhetoric to pieces. If you believe the Bible, there is no death or decay in the world whatsoever before the sin of Adam, but the theories of evolution require death and suffering as its main mechanism. The "big-bang to man evolution" is at complete odds with the Bible. Atheists know this very well and they will openly admit it. They love it when they see Bible teachers ripping their own Bible to threads to try accommodate them. Has the world ever seen such a pathetic sight?

The Bible is dead silent on any theories of evolution that supposedly created the world. They don't exist in the Biblical text. They have to be read into the text. I think these evolutionists should leave the book of Genesis alone with all its beauty, harmony and order, just the way God gave it to us. Get your filthy hands out of there and let people see God as He is, in all His beauty, order, splendour and holiness. Genesis is a beautiful reflection of God's perfect character from His creative work, so please show some respect and give Him the glory. Go and throw mud on your pseudo-science for a change, and give people a chance to come in through the gateway of Scripture to see God in all His perfection and glory.

Let's map out the downgrade that evolutionary theories have brought upon the world since the days of Charles Darwin. Paul penned this around 2000 years ago, buts it always follows the same pattern:

  1. People desire to suppress the knowledge of God as revealed in creation (Rom 1:18-19).
  2. God holds them accountable and without excuse, because He is plainly revealed through what has been made (Rom 1:20) - the heavens declare the glory of God (Ps 19:1-3). Some famous evolutionary scientists will say that their vast knowledge and observations of the universe makes a belief in God less likely. Something really dark has happened with their interpretation of things. I think it is all the result of Darwinism infecting the minds of the masses. You could say that Darwinism is the opium of the masses.
  3. People then stop glorifying God, nor do they give Him thanks (Rom 1:21). Their thinking becomes futile as thick darkness clouds their judgment. They naturally begin to interpret the physical world incorrectly because they rejected God at the outset.
  4. They then claim themselves to be very clever or wise (Rom 1:22). They give themselves prizes and receive the accolades of praise from people. They gloat about their "science" and how wonderful it is. They are fools because they are now worshiping their own ego or reason rather than God (Rom 1:23).
  5. The time for judgment has arrived, and God then gives them over to sin, particularity sexual sin (Rom 1:24-25). So a great sexual revolution breaks out in the world as people degrade their bodies with one another. Divorce and breakdown in family naturally follows. Life centers around self and people worship self rather than God.
  6. Because the wrath of God is upon people, and God has pulled back the restraints of sin, a homosexual revolution breaks out in the world (Rom 1:26-27). People are now running after strange flesh or unnatural relations. Kids are being trained up to doubt their genders and great confusion plagues the world. People can't define what a woman is anymore. Men are competing in woman's sports because they identify as woman. People start calling themselves weird pronouns like "they". Many genders are created to affirm the inner delusions of people. The created order of male and female is thrown out the window.
  7. The punishment enters into people as they sin against their own bodies (Rom 1:27, 1Cor 6:18). This may be in the form of wrecked emotions or killer diseases. As the punishment unfolds there will be a sharp increase in mental illness. People will be taking drugs or medicine to survive the pain and agony gnawing at their souls. Violence will increase, many will kill themselves and others will mutilate their own bodies to affirm their inner delusions. Please don't blame God for pulling back the restraints on evil. Blame the people for being very wicked and turning their backs on God.
  8. God now gives them over to every kind of evil (Rom 1:28-31). Psychologists rise up to comfort and encourage people in their sins. They encourage disobedience to parents, and teach self-assertion in children. People become boastful and arrogant. We have youtube and other social media to prove that. The internet comes into existence that propagates evil around the world at a very fast pace. Sin increases as powerful delusions break out in the world.
  9. People instinctively know they deserve death for all this, but they are now so wicked that they approve and praise those who practice all these sins (Rom 1:32). They celebrate perversions in the street and call it "gay pride". City officials all around the world are complicit in these crimes against God. Massive wars break out and the weather becomes more unstable as God works in the elements as an agent of His wrath. They wanted to worship nature, and now they are forced to live under the anger and instability of nature. Because they are fools and are darkened in their understanding, they believe it is all because of fossil fuels.
  10. People blame God for all this suffering, but the full and total blame lies with them. It all started when they asserted themselves with their naturalistic philosophies of evolution and began to deny God and His creation - goto point 1.

Written by Trevor Wood - 21-08-2024